Day Camp

June 9-13 (Ages 5-8)


Elementary 1

June 16-32

(Grades 3-6)


AM Speaker: Ryan Morter

Elementary 2

June 23-28

(Grades 2-6)


Speaker: Andy Doane

Dash Camp

June 30- July 2 (Grades 2-4)


Sr. High Camp

July 7-12

(Grades 9-12)


PM Speaker: Wes Crawford

Jr. High 1

July 14-19

(Grades 6-9)


Jr. High 2

July 21-26

(Grades 6-9)


Wilderness Camp

July 21-26

(Grades 7-12)


Speaker: Ben Holcomb

Elementary 3

July 28 - Aug. 2. (Grades 3-6)


Scholarship Application

We know camp can feel costly. If you are unable to afford to send your child to a week of camp, we have a couple suggestions / options.

  1. Contact your local church. Many of our churches have funds available to assist families with need in sending their kids to summer camp.

  2. Because of the generosity of a few donors, we have limited funds to distribute as scholarships each year. Although it won’t cover the full cost, it may be just the boost you need to be able to send your kids to camp. To APPLY, click on the APPLY HERE button.

  • The Index: Collected Works 2024

    Inflate: 99-Now 2024

    Renders 2023

    Waves 2022

    Inflate V.1 2021

    Inflate 2020

Not all activities are available every week. Some of them are age restricted.

  • Regardless of age, campers love to conquer our 4-story, two-football-fields long zipline. This double zipline allows campers to share the experience with a friend. It is located in the central portion of the camp property, about a 4-minute walk from main camp. 

  • Imagine a peaceful, leisurely trip around the lake taking in the sights and spending time in quiet reflection.  This isn't that.  Take on one of Lincoln Lake's favorite spots: the crisp waters of the spring-fed Ice Box!

  • Enjoy one of Lincoln Lake's signature activities: Glowball! We turn on the ceiling-mounted blacklights in the Quonset and crank up the music for this fast-paced, high-energy experience. Dodge all incoming throws and knock over the other team's pins or take out all opposing team members to win. So fun!

  • Whether it is BB guns or Bows (we rotate between the two) you can enjoy the shooting range during your week of camp.

  • Take on some friends for a game of ball. We've got a cement, outdoor, 3/4 court with a 10-foot hoop at each end. Classic fun here.

  • Gaga Ball is played in our very own octagon pit. Players "hit" the ball at each other in the ring. If the ball hits another player below the knee, they are out. But be careful! Anyone who hits the ball out of the pit is out. Kids LOVE this game, and will play for hours!

  • Sandcastles anyone? Enjoy a large welcoming area to enjoy some sun. Spread out the beach blanket or pull out your favorite chair. Enjoy swimming in the cool waters of Lincoln Lake. Enjoy our low diving platform. We've also got the unsinkable water mats to play on in the shallow area and water basketball in the intermediate swim area.

  • Get ready to go sailing into the “wild blue yonder…” as you are launched by another camper off the end of the giant inflatable BLOB. It’s not for the faint of heart. That first jump takes guts…. And don’t forget to land on your seat not your feet!

  • Middle School students and up face the challenge of our two climbing walls. A variety of pre-set paths up the wall keep this challenge fresh. The climbing tower is a part of the zipline tower. 

  • Jr. Highers can run our Paintball target course. It is just them against the clock.

    Sr. Highers can challenge their friends to 4 v 4 paintball on our beautiful new paintball course.

  • High School students tear across Lincoln Lake behind our competition-level Master Craft speedboat.  Enjoy every single one of the 400 acres of all-sports Lincoln Lake.  We offer tubing on this beautiful lake.

  • 5 v 5 intensity as you play our newest program addition.  Human foosball is perfect for middle school / high school students.  Enjoy the excitement of tournaments under the lights.

  • 4 Square is fun… BUT 4 square soccer is BETTER!!! Pocket Soccer was invented here at Lincoln Lake and is a core activity here for all ages.

  • High School Students can harness in and get ready for some great team building opportunities.  Crate stacking will test your balance, communication, and teamwork.  

  • If you just want to relax, take a seat in one of our hammock chair squares. Designed to facilitate a whole cabin, these provide a great space to relax with friends.

    • Bible, notebook, and pen

    • Pillow and warm bedding for a twin size bunk (a sleeping bag is best)

    • Clothes for activities (be prepared for cool or rainy weather): pants/jeans, closed-toe shoes (tennis shoes) and at least one other pair of shoes

    • A modest bathing suit(one-piece preferred), swimming suit cover-up for walking to and from the waterfront, beach towel, flip-flops, and sunscreen.

    • Toiletry items: Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, and towels

    • Insect repellant, flashlight and spending money for the Snack Shack

  • 1 week before your scheduled arrival at camp you can expect an extended parent email. This will include complete lists of what to bring, camper expectations, arrival details, snack shack / store pricing, cabin assignment, and many other details for your Childs week of camp.